BW 2.5 не требует предыдущих версий, более того - рекомендуется удалить предыдущую версию и все аддоны к ней!
Included in the new update, are 6 brand new weapons, including: X4
Knife, MD24 Pistol, XMk5 SubMachinegun, M46 Combat Rifle, BORT-85
Grenade Pistol, and A500 Skrith Acid Gun.
Along with the new weapons, there are a number of fixes, such as:
Force-to Walk in sights and scopes
Quicker Iron-Sight time
FP9 immediate detonation delay added
Network client "high recoil" bug fixed
Option to limit DoubleJumping
New "Ballistic Regeneration" mutator that adds life-steal and health regeneration
Widescreen scopes fixed
Blood causing ugly squares on terrain fixed
This update also comes as a sort of "complete" RuneStorm pack for UT2004, which, along with the new BW update, also features:
JunkWar (all previous and a new update)
Various RuneStorm maps
Music Pack
Оружейный пак от Sergeant Kelly уже адаптирован для BW 2.5 и будет доступен для скачивания на днях.