Сентябрьская Beta версия редактора UDK с помощью которого можно создавать игры,
оружие, технику и т.п. на движке Unreal engine 3!
(Unreal Development Kit) стал доступен для бесплатного скачивания и
опять же бесплатного использования для некоммерческих целей.
UDK включает различные инструменты разработки (например UnrealEd), пакет лицевой анимации, редактор растительности и пр.
UDK также включает демо-версию UT. Но вскоре после выпуска появились
игры, сделанные с его помощью - Whizzle, The Ball и Prometheus.
Улучшения в данной версии:
This month’s build of UDK features significant additions, including:
- UDK users now have access to the gameplay profiler tool.
- Matinee’s movement tracks can now be split into individual translation and rotation components.
- Users can bulk edit texture properties within the Content Browser.
Upgrade Notes
- Due to changes in PhysX you should re-save all of your content.
- Fixed leaning during jumps in UDK.
- Fixed UDKVehicle crash.
- ‘AllowNVidiaStereo3D’ is false by default for UDK.
- Switched UDK maps over to use precomputed visibility.
- Resaved UDK maps for updated PhysX changes.
- Gameplay profiler tool now available in UDK!
- ‘GamePlayProfiler’ is a tool that allows digging deeper into time spent in gameplay code.
- Read more:
- Allow movement tracks to be split so that translation and rotation components can be individually manipulated.
http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/MatineeUserGuide.html#Separating Translation and Rotation
- You can now disable the audio radio filter effect in Matinee Kismet blocks.
Particle System improvements
- Now supports multiple ribbons per emitter.
- New 'RandomSeed' module in Cascade helps particles play back more consistently.
- Random size and lifetime can now be specified per ribbon in an emitter.
- Particle spawn rates are now clamped to prevent negative spawn rates.
- Added ‘ImageGrain’ to ‘UberPostProcess.’
- Improved post processing.
- Uses less memory.
- Better CPU/GPU performance.
- Improved quality and consistency.
- New features such as HDR scale and film grain.
- Optimized distortion pass.
- Fixed multiple split-screen issues causing color leaking.
- 'F5' key now enables shader complexity mode by default.
- Added support for rotating Joint Bone to ‘SkelControlLimb.’
- Animation compression improvements.
- With automatic or the ‘CompressAnimations’ commandlet.
- Savings of 30% over the previously compressed size are typical.
- Can be much higher on some animations or with adjustments to the compression parameters.
Scaleform GFx
- Integrated fix for sRGB handling with fonts from Scaleform.
- GFx now supports Distance Field and RGBA UFonts.
- Added a sample GFxUI.int to Engine/Localization/INT/.
DCC Tools (Max/Maya)
- ActorX for Maya and Max 2011 is now supported.
- ‘PhysXDestructible’ has been removed.
- APEX destructibles are replacing them.
Other Improvements:
- Workflow enhancements (e.g., find all materials using this texture, support for local collections to the Content Browser).
- Fixed hitches during gameplay caused by long processing times for zero length linechecks.
- OBJ mesh export now can generate a diffuse, specular and normal texture from the material.
- Alternate mesh bone weight import tool has been much
improved and supports both low->high and high->low bone count
- Streaming texture stat enhancements including the new STAT TEXTUREPOOL command.
- Landscape editing improvements.
- The new color picker is now integrated into the mesh paint tool.
- The mesh paint tool now supports flood fill.
- Gamma can now be used even if the tonemapper is activated.
- Texture properties can now be edited in bulk via the Content Browser.