Январская Beta версия редактора UDK с помощью которого можно создавать игры, оружие, технику и т.п. на движке Unreal engine 3!
UDK (Unreal Development Kit) стал доступен для бесплатного скачивания и опять же бесплатного использования для некоммерческих целей.
UDK включает различные инструменты разработки (например UnrealEd), пакет лицевой анимации, редактор растительности и пр.
Upgrade Notes
PhysX is now enabled for iOS development!
- There is a new Colorize post process
- You can now force depth of field.
The new Min Blur Amount post process setting can be used to force in-focus pixels to be blurred.
- Various image reflection quality and performance improvements have been made.
- Optimizations have been made to particle emitters, as well as memory improvements.
- PhysX is now supported on iOS.
Rigid body physics, fracturable meshes and ragdolls are among supported features.
Note: Cloth, fluids and soft bodies remain disabled on iOS for performance reasons.
- Upgraded to iOS SDK 4.2
- The latest version of UDK Remote supports ping functionality, so it knows when it is talking to a PC.
- The latest version of UDK Remote's text entry box has been fixed on older versions of iOS.
Unreal Editor
- UDK now has a mesh selection preview.
You can now highlight sections of a mesh simply by selecting the corresponding material property.
- UDK now supports editor map favorites.
You can now star maps that you work with frequently and they'll persist in the editor's toolbar.
- Move to End of Track has been added to Unreal Matinee.
- The functionality of the individual translation and rotation track selections in the Matinee curve editor has been improved.
- A box for selecting subgroups within the matinee curve editor was added.
- The rotation widget now draws how many degrees have been rotated in the viewport.
- Kismet undo is now able to undo shortcut key-inserted sequence actions.
- An option to preserve degenerate triangles has been added to the FBX importer.
- Various fixes were made to the FBX importer,
including rotations in Matinee, LODs, lightmaps, tangents on
movement curves and auto tangents on cameras.
- When importing atop an existing object in an
unloaded package, there will now be a confirmation screen instead
of clobbering the existing object.
- The AnimSet Searcher now searches all AnimSets that are currently loaded.
- You can now double click on colors in the material editor to open a color picker.
- The new Align to Floor editor lets you snap actors using their pivot point.
- There is now a map check warning for combat volumes and triggers that aren’t referenced.
- You can now re-order properties in the favorites panel.
- A confirmation dialog is now displayed when baking instanced mesh paint data back to the mesh asset.
- The group selection dialog now defaults to listing just the groups in the current package.
- Properties for Location, Rotation and Scale3D are now
displayed in real time in the property windows when objects are
modified outside of them.
- Ctrl-Shift-A can now be used to select all Kismet actions.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
- Various improvements were made to Unreal Frontend including key bindings, map sorting and new cook/make buttons.
- The Bink player has been upgraded to version 1.99a.
- A new network profiling tool captures server
information primarily for outgoing bandwidth as it relates to data
transmission and network events.
- The network profiler takes into account all actors
types, RPCs and properties that are replicated during a data stream and
then summarizes replication counts and sizes.
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