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    Unreal Development Kit April 2011 Beta
    24.04.2011, 07:05
    Мартовская Beta версия редактора UDK с помощью которого можно создавать игры, оружие, технику и т.п. на движке Unreal engine 3!

    UDK (Unreal Development Kit) стал доступен для бесплатного скачивания и опять же бесплатного использования для некоммерческих целей.

    UDK включает различные инструменты разработки (например UnrealEd), пакет лицевой анимации, редактор растительности и пр.

    April Beta Upgrade Notes

    Unreal Editor

    • Unreal Content Browser now has an option to generate private collections containing the resources a specific asset references.

      Generate Resource Collection

    • You can now look at an object against a character using the ‘preview player height’ preview feature ("\" key). This enables users to visualize a predefined mesh in a level without having to add it to the world.

      Preview Player Height

    • Organize your favorite properties any way you want using the up and down arrows.

      Organize Favorites

    • It is now possible to view each channel individually in the texture viewer.

      Texture Preview

    • There are new buttons to toggle desaturation and the checkerboard pattern for transparent textures.
    • Previewer padding is now adjustable as well.
    Unreal Cascade
    • The new particle collision module, CollisionActor, lets you pick specific actors to collide against.
    • A new option to particle ‘LocationSkelVertSurface’ module allows for optionally specifying materials that limit spawning.
    • A new option enables converting particle modules to their seeded equivalents if available.
    • Cascade now has an optional display of approximate memory the particle system will use.

      Particle Data

        • ‘Template’ is the memory the particle system template uses.
        • Instance’ is the memory each particle system instance uses.
    Unreal Matinee
    • Matinee has a new preset group for lighting.  Adding a new lighting group adds tracks for movement, brightness, color and radius.
    • A new ‘Move to end of track’ option moves the timeline to the end of the currently selected track.
    • The AI Group in Matinee has been fixed so that no custom animation can overwrite current Matinee-driven animation.
    Unreal Kismet
    • New keyboard shortcuts for are now available for Kismet.
      • ‘Ctrl-Shift-A’ selects matching actions and variables of the current selection within the active sequence.
      • ‘Ctrl-A’ selects all sequence objects within the active sequence.
    • The Kismet level sequences browser should no longer constantly close itself.
    • When making a new comment box around a selection, the size of the box now fits properly around the selection.
    Unreal Landscape
    • Added ‘Flatten’ tool to the Landscape Editor.
    • Landscape now has DX11 support!
    Autodesk FBX
    • Static meshes can be exported to FBX via Unreal Content Browser (vertex colors and UVs are exported as well).
    • Whole levels or selected actors, including BSP, can be exported to FBX with world position.
    • Fixed not being able to export lightmaps as FBX via the static mesh editor.
    • Material auto-assignment now works for material instance constants.
    Other Improvements
    • Drag and drop of materials with multiple static meshes selected now applies the material to all selected meshes.
    • Floating viewport configurations are now saved between editor sessions.
    • Better undo and redo support has been added to the Sound Cue Editor.
    • Custom triangle sorting information should now be retained when re-importing a skeletal mesh.
    • The ‘SkinXX’ syntax for material order should now work correctly for meshes. 
    • When using mesh paint, paint and erase should now influence the same vertices.
    • Importing a mesh over another one no longer erases material assignments.
    • There is new a ‘Copy to clipboard’ option in the materials section of the actor right-click menu.
    • ‘Brush edges’ is easier to select in the perspective viewport while in geometry mode.
    • UDK has been updated to FaceFX version
    • You can now toggle SSAO and visualize SSAO from the editor, as well as by using the 'show' console command.
    • There are new ‘Snap Constraint To Bone’ and ‘Snap All Constraints To Bone’ buttons in UnrealPhAT Editor Rendering.

    Updated UDN Pages

    Категория: Движок | Добавил: Chiana | Теги: UDK
    Просмотров: 711 | Загрузок: 255 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

    1.3 Гб
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